multiple smart inverters parallel?

Dear Community,

we have one Phoenix Inverter 24/2000 Smart on our Sailing Vessel which is sufficient for most consumers. Normally we only draw like 400 Watt, having some load peaks for our vacuum cleaner, but it’s not enough for our huge 230V watermaker, which is supposed to draw 9A at 230V according to the datasheet. i will measure the current next week. currently we need to start our 230V generator for this watermaker, but I would like to make water when our main engine is running, its alternator is producing enough DC power.

My preffered solution would be to install another Smart Inverter similar size (or slightly bigger), in parallel mode, but I didnt find anything about this in the instructions. Is this possible? Perhaps with this VE.Direct Network? Is there an instruction document about such a system integration? Would be the easiest space wise and also because we have quite long DC cables and for example for the 24/5000 i would need 95mm² :frowning:


From the datasheet:

From experience, these large water-makers are best powered direct from a generator. The hihg pressure pumps really do draw a lot.
The cost of uprating an inverter system to provide the starting surge of the high pressure pump - typically 4 - 9 times the running current would make for a large inverter and battery capacity, that would not be used for any other load. You would need 6 to 10kW of inverter to run such a pump reliably. If running for 2 hours, then input to the inverter would be in the region of 5kWh - that’s a large battery at 50% dod. If you want to look at running a watemaker from DC, then there are units available that also use energy recovery systems to reduce the operating power (e.g. Spectra Watermakers). These energy recovery units make a large difference to the efficiency of watermaker operation.