Multiple MPPTs on a 24V system

Dear All ,

I would like to know if its possible to have multiple MPPTs on 1 system.

Because I have some 50V 550W panels that can’t be handled by the biggest MPPT as a string , nor as a series.

Let me know if I can split them in half and use 1 string of 3 on one MPPT and another string of 3 on an other MPPT.

Thank you in advance

The hellios

Of course you can do that. That’s what we all do with our Mppts … there are also several on one system
What kind of Mppts do you have?

At the moment I have a small one that can handle 1000W.
SmartSolar Charger MPPT 150/35 that I realised thatis not enough for my setup.

So I have to buy 2 X 250/100 to be able to handle a 3.3KW system

As per the calculator of victron


The Mppt 250 may be a little expensive, but you can’t run 3 x 50V panels on a 150 Mppt. So you’ve done everything right. You can now run 4 panels on the 250 and keep the 150 in reserve.

Planning to have 3 panels on each 250 MPPT.
I have total of 6 Panels of 550W each at 50V Open Circuit Voltage.

I will be able to total the whole 3.3KW and keep some headroom ( reserve )

Then the two 250s will have a relaxed life :wink:

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maybe in the future I will add an other 550W on each :smiley: to have a harder life :smiley: hehe :smiley:

Have you already bought the two 250s?

Not yet. But they are in the planning phase . Do you have to suggest something else ?

Use 3 x 150er mppt … 2 panels on each 150 … cheaper and the same power …

You will need to account the wiring too…
More or less will be the same price in the end.
Plus I want to keep my setup neat.

Having 3 MPPTs would take too much space and having a bigger distribution board… Etc etc.

I think it worth the investment. But I will look into your solution and decide in the end what would be best.

Thank you though

It’s your blue universe :+1:

BTW : you could use 2 x 250/ 70 … each 2kw PV …
only 185x250 mm

the difference is 109 euro on each
between 250/100 and 250/70
I think going down in amperage for 109 euro is not worth the time. nor effort.

I will need to get bigger busbars anyway so it’s worth it I think.

But I am waiting on a price from the local dealer sometimes prices vary a bit from the price catalogue vs reality

and of course a USB to VE.CAN adapter.

Why this adapter ?

It exist an (old) Ve Can to USB Adapter …
normaly you use a VE-Direct to USB Adapter

This works with RPI and every bitrate possible. 500 and 250 kbit/s

Tested it with a BMS.

and this

here is the selection of bitrate ( depending on the protocol and bus you will use )

here is from the Victron’s professional video

Ah … ok … you use a Berry GX … OK

German Amazon Suche … also ein Mitbürger :wink:

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I will disappoint you on that , I am not German, I just order from German amazon because its the one mostly shipping to my location :smiley:

Danke :smiley:

You should just go for the 450/100. You will not regret it. Stay away from the non-isolated controllers for big systems.

Unfortunately only as a 48v system.
I am running a 24v system