I wrote a routine to retrieve Panel Voltage and Current data from MPPTs via the VE Direct interface, and tested it on a MPPT 250:100-Tr Ve-CAN, but it didn’t work on a 150:100-Tr.
What has changed?
Please be more specific and post the way you retrieve the info, as in commands, scripts, etc.
Then we will see if on the 150:100 is must be done the same.
To detect the presence of an MPPT on the input, I wait for an any message, which will most likely be an asynchronous message starting :A
Then I send a SET commands 0x2001 and 0x2015 to set the voltage and current limits, then GET commands 0xEDD7, 0xEDD5, 0xEDBD, 0xEDBB, 0x200E each one sent when a reply to the previous is received.
Thanks for the detailed response.
Now, to which command it doesn’t respond?
Or you don’t even get an :A message ?
Instead of waiting for an :A, why don’t you use a ping (:1) message for detecting the presence? It’s the recommended way…
Also these are HEX messages. Newer versions are always have the text mode active, regardless of HEX messages.
Unfortunately, the device in question is about 600km away from here, and the one I had in stock doesn’t work (as per my other post). I’ll resume this topic in due course. . .
I used the :A message to start it up simply because it worked with my existing routine that receives replies. For a ping, I’d have to write another routine (which I shall do, following you recommendation)