Mp2 , Soc and node red

good evening everyone, I have recently approached the world of node red and I am looking for more and more information to be able to create flows independently. I would like to create a scenario that based on a certain percentage of soc, sets the multi plus 2 in inverter only mode. I would also like to be able to disable the trickle charger auxiliary output under a threshold of Soc. who can help me?

Disabling the trickle charger from node red is not possible without a smart or other switch.

What battery do you have?

I have a 204 ah 24v service battery, it is a lead acid engine battery. What do you mean by smart switch? I could also do it with a simple relay connected to the cerbo that takes information from the Smart shunt

I guess i am a little more cautious with the cerbo relay. I use it signal but not carry current.

I use ssr relay. Only minimal current will pass through the Cerbo for the microswitches. Can I create a flow to control relay 2 of the Cerbo through Node Red?

Yes you can control the relay in node red. Of course you will have to modify the code a bit.

Perfect. Json file work also the rele number 2?

You will need to edit the node. Once you paste it im sure you can work it out.