MC4 Connector Brand

I have read about some instances of solar system fires from using non confirmant MC4 connectors, expically with multi series panel arrays where the voltage are much higher. The MC4 connector was developed by Staubli and I assume using their connectors is the way to go but wondered if anybody has expierenced otherwise?

Staubli state that you must pair their connectors i.e connectors on panel and cables same brand/series/compliance etc. Does anybody know what brand the connectors on Victron panels are?

Many thanks


Don’t know which connector brand the victron panels use, but often the panels manufacturer says like “MC4 compatible”. This will guarantee a solid connection, electrically and mechanically.
I use only “original” Stäubli MC4, but sometimes they look slightly different… Nevertheless I had never issues using those connectors. In my opinion a good crimp is more important than the connector brand itself.

The way the connectors clip together matters as well. But is is way more critical on higher voltage strings. So you can “get away with it” in some situations.

Really best to use the form factor that matches. And of course make sure they are assembled and clipped correctly. Poor assembly is another cause of issues.
Using the correct crimper of course is key. Have seem some pure dodgy stuff with screw driver and or pliers.

While essentially all mc4s made to the standard are the same, even with ‘good brands’ there are subtle differences. And in some cases enough for there to be a warm connection.

MC4 plug shapes

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Agree, ill definitely be sticking with original Staubli MC4 connectors!