Looking for alternatives, CT clamp on quattro 2

I gotta be honest here im pretty annoyed, so looking for a creative solution if possible

We are looking for a method to measure PV input (AC coupled) on one of the outputs of the quattro 2. If anyone has some suggestions that dont require to much additional cabling being pulled in that would be excellent.

Back story, we are upgrading from a multiplus 2 in our caravan to a quattro 2 the data sheet as of late 24 shows it to have one CT input(still to this day it shows it as having one). so according to the data sheet we ordered the inverter. but, as ive just found out they actually took it out sometime in 2023… so im now stuck in this awkward spot where i cant readily pull cables to the cerbo controller because they go through the walls of the caravan. Im not in a position to be able to put the multiplus 2 back in either we upgraded for a reason. So what i have i have is, some spare pins on an rj45 that we pulled down through the van walls while it was apart. I could possible bodge up an adapter for that ? the issue is also at the other end though, the cerbo controller’s usb ports are all used up so im not readily able to put in one of the carlo gavzini meters either, Does anyone have any documentation the new blue meters or experience setting them up ? I suppose what will be ideal is a VE bus style meter (hopefully one thats not too expensive would be excellent)

We are in a fairly complex scenario with our van and house, we have a bespoke system that shares power back in to the house. we really really dont want to turn that off. The additional power we bring in via the van and its standalone solar helps us get through winter without pulling power in from the grid. The point of the upgrade to quattro is to have a dedicated input that can share power (by dynamically setting the grid set point) and one for the generator which cuts off our AC coupled solar. Any thoughts would be appreciated and if anyone could tag a victron rep that would be excellent too, hopefully they can update their documentation