I have a Cerbo attached to an N2K network with the ve-can N2K cable. I have updated firmware. As I understand it, when I start signalk I should get data to nd from the bus immediately and I should see the plug in “N2K-to-be.can-socket”. I don’t see this plug in and I can’t find it. Whenever I try to save a plug in configuration it says it can’t save it. See attached photos.
what are your cerbo settings regarding nmea ?
does your screen look like this? (250kbit is important)
Same as in your figure
to me it sounds you have some permission issues / wrong user setup in signal k (see your other posting)
did you try to connect directly to signal k server (without VRM - your screens show you connect via vrm).
did you reboot the whole cerbo machine in meantime (your other post suggested, you didn´t know how)
is there a difference if you connect to signal K from desktop browser?
EDIT: Did you already add a user to Signal K under Security?
I have the same hardware and settings you do, except I have can0 instead of Can0. Semantics?
Also, have you logged in as admin? Usually you’ll see Restart/Logout on the top right of the SignalK interface.
I don’t know if these make any difference, but it works for me.
EDIT: have you seen this?