In 3.5.. Is there a way to turn off Brief mode, or make it NOT the default screen?

I’d like to be able to make the 2nd screen the default. and boxes across the botom with some numbers. Or turn the Arcs into just linear boxes with graduations.
The monitor is for knowing data (and settings)… not sure it needs to be “pretty”…
I know it can go back (no guimods with 3.5) , but it has been stated that this interface is the future and no development on the old one look.
We have a Cerbo GX with Tanks and Temp sensors. the default Brief mode has multiple arcs, and the text is small. There are NOT enough arcs to tell what is really happening. but there is no way (that I have found) to make the text larger, or get rid of the arcs. I just want numbers.
The arcs are not graduated to know where full is, or 1/2 for what ever. pretty but useless.
With Multiple arcs, the battery % number is small at best.
3.42 with Guimods had more info on the first screen,

Go into setting > Display & Language > Start Page and choose the one you want in that menu.

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Perfect. that helps a lot. I clicked for 10 minutes looking for a way.

Is there a way in Brief view to make the text larger of the battery, like there is no other arcs? IE keep the arcs, but have battery % number large… once a 2nd ars shows up, the large text goes away.

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