Identify this Grid Meter

I’m trying to recreate an ESS, that is an all-in-one solution from a UK provider. It is Victron Kit under the hood.

Can anyone identify what victron product is being used as a grid meter here.

It is connected via RS485 to a Cerbo GX.
It has 3 phases. L1 is set to grid. L2 is PV meter
All the current sensing is done via CT clamps, and not in-line meters.
The product ID is b031


Hi @sticilface, looks like it’s an EM330 using the EM24 communication protocol.


I’m not sure that it can be.

In this particular installation it is clamped on the grid meter and PV. The PV is 6kW ( ~25A) and the grid is well up to 100A which is has measured over 10kW at least. so well above 5A…

Any other ideas?

it’s a CT connection…the Clamps need to be rated for 5A internally, on the meter side…you need to deploy the correct clamps for the AC side, like 100A or 200A…

Ah got it. thanks.

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