How to adjust settings in VictronConnect app to limit battery drain?

I have 6 125ah 12v agm batteries 2s3p for a 24 volt system and I want to adjust my settings so the system doesn’t drain my batteries past a certain limit.

What else is ‘travelling in your system’?

With agm its fairly easy, set the minimum working voltage of the multiplus accordingly.

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You could really configure the multi so that it switches off / wake up at a certain SOC.

But let me ask you a quick question: What PV have you installed … with the small cable, there’s hopefully not much to it …

Do you only look at your system via Bluetooth ? or how do you monitor your system ?

I look at my system via app and Bluetooth at the cabin but want to monitor it from home to make sure everything is ok. I only have 2430 watts of panels and only aprox 15ft of wire max from panels to system.

Can you show me how to configure multiples to shut down and wake at certain soc? Others suggesting cerbo gx?

I would use a Venus GX for the small system, it has the lowest power requirement … and is completely sufficient.
Of course, a Raspberry would also work, but you’d have to get to grips with it. However, if you don’t have a telephone connection, you will need a GlobalLink 520 with a mobile phone connection or a Venus + GX LTE 4G extension.

However, the cables to the PV should not be less than 4mm².

However, you will need an MK3 adapter for programming …

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What app is that ?

Victron VE.Bus System Configurator. You connect directly to inverter and set the settings straight into unit, no other external devices needed. Bear in mind to use SOC the inverter need to get this information from somewhere. Usually this comes from the batteries BMS, if batteries are without a BMS, then use voltages to control this behaviour rather than SOC. If you fit Smartshunt then inverter will also know of SOC and will unlock this feature.

EDIT: Does your Smartshunt have a VE direct port? Sorry hard to see on phone from picture.

this? Where does it go? When I bring up my Victron connect app the only things I seee is the shut and the controller

Probably the wire for the midpoint connection.

Check your installation guide.

Ok, so let’s take it step by step as too much information and you will be probably more confused than before this post.

  1. I see there is no Cerbo device. That black cable with white tip coming from Smartshunt is a VE Direct port. You can use it to connect the Smartshunt to a Cerbo. The inverter also being connected to Cerbo will get the information about everything Smartshunt knows. Example how it looks in action:

In your case it would be overkill to buy a Cerbo. Use the voltages in VE Configure to achieve what you need here.

You will need a MK3 USB cable to connect to inverter. Example:

Maybe one of the local dealers can lend you one. Not that expensive and if you have the Victron there for life, I’d suggest you buy one. Something like 50 euro only.

Then you connect with this app and you will see the screen I put in my first post, where it will allow you to set shutdown, restart, etc. voltages.

Ok thanks. I will order a mk3. Does the Inverter connect to the shunt physically or wireless? Reason I asked cause I don’t see any other wires . I will try and find boxes that things came in to see if anymore directions/ info there. If I don’t go with the cerbo how does the app know about the inverter?

The inverter can connect to the SmartShunt only through Cerbo device.

With MK3 cable you will connect to inverter directly and configure voltages, that will be the end goal.

There is also a third posibility. If you buy a Cerbo, through the Cerbo you can do exactly what you can do with the MK3 cable. As it will allow you to upload configuration through Cerbo as you would through the MK3 cable. Dealers choice if you want to buy a Cerbo or an MK3 cable now. Cerbo S would be the best choice, the cheapest of all and enough for what you have there.

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Thanks guys. Ok got the mk3 ordered. The cerbo was a lot more expensive. Lol. So I hook that up to a laptop , download the Victron connect app and change settings there. So guessing I can change a lot more than I can from the app that’s on my phone? Is there that much more of an advantage? I only want to set the values so system doesn’t take my batteries down to much.

So here is a pic of app and the state of my batteries. I have 6 12 v 125 ah agm batteries wired for 24 v. 2s3p.

Where do I change setting to stop from taking my batteries down to much? Do the rest of the settings look ok?

Not here, the smartshunt is only there to monitor the system.

If your only load is the multiplus … you received the info already

If you also have other loads you’ll need a battery protect to open the system when the voltage is getting low.

Just ping us here when you get the MK3 and will guide you.