How do I use VRM to determine average daily AC consumption?

I’m considering increasing our solar panels production by adding a ground array now that some panel prices are getting quite attractive.

I’ve been using our dual Quattros for a year now. We also charge batteries, have a PV inverter, and some DC panels with charge controllers also. I have a Cerbo GX and a SmartShunt and have done a bit of Node-Red flow creation.

In the VRM advanced there is lots and lots of great data.

I’d like to use that data to determine our average daily ac household loads. Since we charge our batteries from the grid and from solar, I’d need to take that into account.

Use of AC loads in the VRM is hour by hour - how do I get an average? Of course, on a daily basis, the loads bounce all over - 6pm cooking and heating/cooling loads, 2am little activity but battery charging from the grid, etc.

I hope this data can help me determine how much more solar we need. Can you help?

Thanks again for this great forum!

Hi @SilverFox
There are several ways to do it.

The easiest is to increase the time span on the installation data for system overview (or consumption) on the VRM dashboard.

Different timescales will give you different aggregate sum totals, last 12 months shows monthly consumption totals, then divide by 30 for average daily.

For more control and higher fidelity you can export kWh data from the advanced page and then import it into Excel and then do all sorts of maths, sorting, summing, averaging, bundling, and pivot tabling.


Yes - that worked great and I was able to extract some useful data! Thanks!

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