Factory reset GX device using SSH

Hi all,

I recently needed to reset my GX unit that i removed from my multiplus2 GX to re-purpose it for another use.

I looked at the official doccos here and i didnt want to have to do the whole USB thing.

So, i downloaded the files and extracted them and had a look through it.

Essentially, all it does ir run a command to remove all the config data. You can do this yourself directly from an SSH root shell without needing to faff about with a USB.

  1. Enable SSH from the remote console, and then log into the unit
  2. execute the following 3 commands
  3. find /data -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 ! -path /data/venus ! -exec rm -rf "{}" \;
  4. sync
  5. reboot

after a minute or so, it will reboot and you will be back to stock factory condition.

I have only tested this on the GX unit i have removed from my multiplus2-GX (i have 2 multis i got the same units to have a spare GX device incase of failure)

I hope that helps someone :slight_smile:
