ESS & pylontech

Dear Vixtron community!

Have an updated ESS System running with the following new items:

Multiplus 5000

Pylontech US5000-1C

MPPT 150/85

all with latest firmware.

Setup and all parameters (incl. the EES assistant settings) as before (with Multiplus 3000, 2xUS2000C, MPPT 150/45 and same EM540).

Observed issue:

The US5000 is dropping below the lower ESS SoC limit (set to 20%). Without BatteryLife, ESS message is ESS #1, but the Pylontech is still discharging by 4W or 0,1A constantly. Removing the 48V connection from the MPPT delivers no changes. Seems like the 4W are disappearing in the Multiplus.

In the old setup the Pylontech discharging stops at lower SoC limit with ESS massage #1 and status “idle”…

Any ideas why this happens now with the new installation? Does the new US5000 at beginning may require some cell balancing with little charging and discharging?

Thanks a lot in advance for your answers!



I have 8 (new) US3000C and see a constant discharge of ~40 Watt, when “idle”.

Maybe the latest firmwares are just reporting their self-consumption as dc load, while older versions didn’t? Just a guess.

But didn’t ever question this, has been like this since day 1.

Further observation:

First thanks to dognose for his reply and comments!

When the system has reached min SoC, discharging stops and the system starts charging the battery with little current (~0,5A) up to min SoC +1%. The charge current is dropping in ~10min to 0, then the battery shows “idel”, ~10min later the discharging of the battery starts again at 0,1A and this continues far below min SoC over time.

PV is disconnected!

The old installation had a hard stop at min SoC - w/o any little charging and any discharge of the battery.

What can be done to further check the installation and the settings?

Thanks in advance!



One more observation:

In remote console under batteries, I found the following measurements:

Multi shows charging and Pylontech shows discharging.

Again PV and PV-Inverter are disconnected.

Real measurement with a gauge shows 0.128A battery discharge.