ESS export too high at ESS#1 (SOC <<)

I have often noticed that too much is fed into the grid when the value falls below the MinSOC (± hysteresis). This behavior is not related to fluctuations, but constant:


I would prefer to charge the battery instead of exporting the energy cheaply.
MinSOC = 30 %
GridSetpoint = -60 W

If I now set the MinSOC lower (e.g. to 25%), or the battery is charged above 32%, the power is correctly regulated around -60 W again.
Has anyone noticed this behavior or has a solution?

DESS active?

…in ESS, set peak shaving to “above min-SoC only”.

No, only ESS

It is set to “Above min-SoC only”

…hmmm…with this setting, my ESS stops discharging the Battery completely, when minSOC is reached (edit: and is feeding each extra W from PV into the Battery)
Must have something to do with your DC-connected PV, as this is the only difference I can spot compared to mine.
Where is your AC-coupled PV sitting, on AC-Out or AC-In?
Edit: Ah, my bad…it is on AC-Out…maybe disable AC-coupled grid-feed-in completely or limit it to a much lower value than installed capacity?

I will try to disable the dc or ac feedin, to test it by sunshine.
But it should behave like descriped by you.
This is happening smoothly, when the SOC is higher

Well yes, I had the same experience as you have and changed the peak shaving from “always (the default)” to “above minSoC only” and that solved it for me…strange.

If I disable the AC-feedin, the system behaves like normal. But it should do it also with aktivated export :thinking:

…interesting. But I have no clue as to why this is happening.
The only difference to my system is, that in your system AC-coupled PV is on AC-Out and not AC-In (and that you obviously have an mppt connected as well).

My AC-PV is at the AC-out1, not at the in

Yes, I know and that’s what I meant…did correct the badly phrased sentence.
Sorry for the inconvenience.