Problems integrating the Smart 250/100 MPPT? I have 4 3kVA MultiPlus II installed together with Epever batteries. The system was working perfectly without the MPPT, but when I added it, everything started to fail: the panels do not work properly, and the batteries are not charged either by the mains or by the solar panels.
You are going to need to share more information.
how did you connect and program everything?
A picture of your set up might help as well as idea of how you configured your panels
Dp you use ess or are you offgrid or only conditional connect
I am not on site at the moment. The system is set up as split phase and in parallel, consisting of 4 MultiPlus II, 1 MPPT and 1 Cerbo GX. Could you help me with a guide to setting up this type of system? Please.
Any helpful guide for me?
That is a very complex system inverter wise definitely not for the feint of heart.
The training is basic even though the set uo is not. And there are some guides.
I can’t understand how the system would have been working and the simplest changed has affected everything.