Dynamic ESS is now available for Octopus customers in the UK

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Hi Tony,

Good observation, yes I have an MPPT not plugged into Cerbo, not enough VE.direct ports :smile:
since I have a motivation now I’ll get a VE-USB cable to wire it in for better forecast prediction

Regards George

From looking at the API tariff data, I think the costs are now consistent but both an hour behind (BST) and showing the ex VAT rate too?

The scheduling does however appear to have picked up the best pricing point for the day on the tariff (Green mode) however there’s the obvious hour difference

@rprie Can you post a screenshot showing that hour difference?

I sure can!

I’ve just taken a few screenshots unless I’m mistaken, I think there has been an update pushed on VRM? If so, you guys are wizards!

Some screengrabs anyway as I think we are seeing the ex-VAT rate.

So first is the reference via the Octopus app of the API data

This shows current time through to 4pm where the cost spikes inline with demand.

What I’m now seeing in comparison on VRM at different time points.

If I can provide any further, please feel free to ask.

P ID c0619ab594fd

Thanks .We did shift that hour, so that should be resolved now.
What is the tax percentage in the UK?

I’m pretty sure that it’s 5% however Octopus do provide value_inc_vat which would automatically provide and adjust this value where any changes are made so you’re future proof’d.

Just as a consideration, businesses may look at the ex_vat value from the API for accounting purposes so a future toggle (domestic / business) may help you guys later? :slightly_smiling_face:

VAT on fuel (gas/electric) is 5% in UK.

It is different to the rate on everything else.

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Sorry! Edited my post - thanks for the correction. I’ve stopped multitasking now :rofl:

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Noticing that we get both prices back from the api, so it will probably end up as a checkbox/radio button.


Excellent!! Just makes it easy for Victron in terms of flexibility with the data and allows the customer to pick with or without VAT.

Any update on how to link the (dynamic) charge slot data from an Octopus Intelligent Go tarrif to Victron ESS/DESS?

I am quite sure you can just fill out the account number and API key (using the beta VRM site) and everything should work for Octopus Intelligent Go too. It should retrieve the correct prices in the background. If not, please provide a screenshot showing what goes wrong.

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I was trying to configure the released version of DESS. I’ve just switched to the Beta version and I now get the option.



I’ve been testing the OIG tariff for the last few days and noticed not always but the system keeps importing energy from the grid at peak rate where I see no benefit from doing so. Occasionally is only 100W other times 3000W
On battery balancing days I’ve noticed to be preplanned to charge the battery from grid until fully charged (as it takes longer than 6h to fully charge this system) as a suggestion perhaps plan to not discharge to empty the day before or leave the battery to be charged from solar later during the day.

VRM ID 02813b7c3c28

Thanks in advance

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I notice octopus tariff data hasn’t been imported to VRM today - not sure if there are any issues?

We just deployed a fix, removing a conversion of the prices that we downloaded. The prices now should now match yours.
We are still working on the VAT checkbox. I have good hopes that we get that in before the 10th.

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You guys are amazing!

I can’t see any prices just yet but will monitor it.

Do you have a preference of how to use the system until 10th to help with testing or a test plan if that would assist?

Can you put specific times and dates on that unexpected importing? That makes it a bit easier for us to find the log files. Screenshots also help.

This is a fantastic build and I’m excited to try it out. It doesn’t seem to be pulling the rates though. I put in my API details this morning, which I know are correct because I use them with an android app, but I am still not seeing the rates.

Below is a screen shot that shows it isn’t pulling any data.

Seems to be working now. I put the details in again, toggled direct debit off, hit save and now it’s showing the dynamic prices

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