During the change of minus one hour this weekend the generator start stop funcion on the cerbo stays the same.
Sunday morning (27/10/2024) the clock went backwards in effect 02:00 became 01:00.
My current setup is a multiplus 2 10k set to ignore AC input except when a signal is received from the cerbo relay.
This in effect turns on the multiplus at 22:05 everyday to charge the batteries, it turns off again at 05:55
On the eveing of the 27th at 21:05 the relay turned on and the multiplus accepted AC in.
I checked the time on the cerbo and VRM all location and time settings are correct and the correct time is shown.
The following morning at 04:55 the cerbo relay / multiplus stopped and ignored AC a full hour before it should.
It seems there is a bug where the generator periodic run is not updated with the new time.
Can anyone elese verify this?
Fortunately i took pictures of the above if needed, but it just shows the generator starting and stopping in the hour before it’s supposed to.
i will wait to see this evening if the problem persists. then reset the cerbo.
If the reset fixes it then i can only guess at a software bug.
Current Cerbo firmware - 3.50/34
Update 28/10/2024 21:05 - Relay not activated. Hopefully back to normal, waiting until 22:05.
Final update - Everything is working correctly. I have not reset or touched anything.
Looks like the first 24hrs were the problem not a major issue I just ended up without a fully charged house battery for the day as the car was charged for an hour from the house battery.
I noticed another post where this behaviour had occurred on DESS.