Converting service battery on sailing yacht from 24V 600Ah to LiPo

we are thinking about converting our service battery on a sailing yacht from AGM 24V 600Ah to LiPo, as they AGM batteries reached end of life.

  1. Is there a guide what all stuff we have to think of if we switch from AGM to LiPo on a sailing vessel?

Currently the batteries are charged from 3 sources: if shorepower or the extra 230V Generator is running they are charged a. from a Victron Skylla-i 24/100 (1+1), b. from solar via Victron MppT 100/30 or c. from the main engine, there is a very big extra 24V 120A alternator with a sterling regulator which also was able to charge the AGM batteries with 100amps (with “extra” i mean that we have two alternators, one for the starter battery, one for the service battery, completeley sepearte). It happens that all 3 sources are running in parallel.

as monitor we were using a BMV 712.

  1. The Skylla and the Solar chargers can be switched to Lithium. currently they are not connected, but I assume i should set up a VE Can network for them if switching to Lithium so that they communicate with each other? A Cerbo Gx should do, correct? ( I anyway was thinking about this to have all data on our garmin mfds)
  2. as the sterling regulator is not supporting LiPo we need some other regulator or even charger here, i was looking for LiPo DC/DC charger, but neither the buckboost nor the orion series are giving 24V 100A so I have to run some orions parallel to get a quick charge, correct? Any concrete recommendations here?
    4a. I looked into the overview of BMS system and it appears to me that I need a Lynx BMS, correct?
    4b. So this Lynx BMS has also relay switches to switch of the chargers that there is no overcharging happening, correct? For this I need the Cyrix-Li-Charge as relay switch extra or is it included in the lynx? depends probably an what i buy as replay to my question 3 :slightly_smiling_face:

best, johannes