Connecting external 48V charger to batteries while Multiplus is connected too

Running an ESS setup, I want to connect an additional 48V charger, looking at the one linked below (please let me know of a better one). Am I right in saying there is no need to get them communicating with each other. Probably wise to get a smart shunt so the Cerbo GX knows the battery percentage.

Simple reason why is I want to connect my EV which supports V2L. I get free charging at work, would be very nice to discharge the car battery into my house battery. And also in the event of a blackout, the car should support the house for a couple of days at least.


My main concern with that charger is that there does not appear to be a way to set the voltage. Unless I missed something.

I would not want my batteries charged to 58.7V (as shown on the display) until it auto-powers off. Maybe the 54.6V “Li Ion” variant is ok (the one you linked) if that suits your batteries. The current level is clearly adjustable.

SmartShunt strongly recommended.

For anyone looking to do something similar. I chose a 1500W one from Aliexpress. Connected a smartshunt too, not sure if that is really required as my battery has a BMS which calculates the percentage. I have two batteries in parallel and this does seem to cause a mis-calculation which causes the voltage to drop slowly when not charging to 100% over many cycles.

The pots on the bottom right set the voltage and current limit. It works well. I have a 40A fuse on the output and I’m thinking of getting some MOVs to protect the battery is the charger fails short.

Why don’t you buy something from a known European producer ?

Yeah who buys cheap buys twice…and has the trouble.

Feel free to share a link to a european manufacture, I did look. I am not running it at full power, currently 18A.

ABB, Victron…

Surely not in the same price region, but reliable and with service / warranty

I have never been disappointed by Chinese manufactured and/or assembled products.
Not even the Victron ones… :wink:

If you buy Chinese, go for a brand like Meanwell.

Just count in this forum how many times people had problems with chinese cheap circuit breakers.

I know the ABB and Siemens cb’s are also made in Suzhou, but they work.

I have replaced several chinese inverters with victron units, the customers never came back.

Just last week i replaced a chinese mppt with a victron, opened it and found the 4 contacts were crimped in place but not soldered.

Sure, i replaced a 27€ piece with a 186€, customer balked. But if he can afford a 300.000€ Morelo motorhome he shouldn’t by a chinese firecracker.