I have two multiplus inverters. Can they support two different AC inputs. Inverter A can have the 120VAC shore power and Inverter B can have the generator’s 120VAC. Then, I will not need an Automatic Transfer Switch. Is this doable? I have a 5500 Onan generator.
How will I charge my Lead Acid crank battery if the generator is going straight to the Inverter B AC input?
Thanks dognose. I did not expect the two inverters to “act as one”. Do my two Multiplus inverters have to be tied together (except at my battery bank)? Maybe the non-isolated neutrals will conflict because the neutrals might be treated as grounds.
I agree that the two pass through phases will have different phase angles but I want to connect them to different breakers in my breaker box. I have a 5th wheel that normally uses two hot legs. Each hot leg goes into a main breaker and these two breakers are distributed into different breakers.
If you run them independently on the output (but on the same battery) there is no problem.
But you also can configure them to run in parallel and in the VE.Bus system configurator you uncheck the option “switch as a group” and that way the two MultiPlus will act like a Quattro.
I just realized that if I am only on shore power, then half my breakers will get power from the Multiplus pass-through. The other half of my breakers will not get power when the generator is off.
I think I am going to use a transfer switch.