Cerbo GX Venus OS v3.52-6 Temperature sensors scale and offset only in whole units

I have the Cerbo GX with the latest large beta image.
I have installed some LM335 temp sensors, and notice I can’t set decimal numbers on scaling (not that i want to, but I noticed some other poster saying that to get farenheit output he could set scale to 1.8 and offset to 32 to get units in farenheit)

I would also like to set decimal numbers on offset, to tune the sensor more accurately.

I have Ruuvi sensor connected as well, and it reports the temp in decimals, ie 17.3 degree.
The hardwired sensors does not, I only see changes of whole degrees.
As it is now, the two sensors are in the same location, Ruuvi reports 17.3, while the LM335 reports 17. If I increase the temp half a degree, it is 17.8 vs 18.

Are there some fixes for this, official or otherwise? (SSH config is not foregin to me)
