My system: PV with micro inverters feeding my home consumer and export excess to grid, since two years. Recently BYD 12 kWh, MP2 3000 one phase, controlled by Cerbo GX, supported by EM540 installed. EM 540 functions metering import and export, but doesn’t show up in Cerbo GX, hence ESS doesn’t function properly, only charging battery ok, when external energy meter is disabled. From EM540 to Cerbo GX USB-RS485-WE cable from Victron.
My checks done:
- Cable RS485 at EM540 correct (orange - 8, yellow - 9, black - 10)
- EM540 reset to factory (baud 9600, measuring C, parity no, stop bit 1)
- Cable way (about 20 m) tested ok
- USB-RS485-WE cable direct, i.e. 1m length, from EM540 to laptop and data flow at USB port analyzed with software (Device Monitoring Studio and redundantly Serial Port Monitor) - no data flow from EM540 detected
Does this mean that either the USB-RS485-WE cable or the EM540 is corrupted?
Can anybody experienced confirm or give advice to solve the issue?
I would very much appreciate any contribution.