There was a lot of useful stuff on the old site and it would be handy to be able to access it but I can’t seem to log in, it just says 404 Not Found.
Although I can access and search the site, every result is in Spanish for some reason and I was thinking if I logged in it would reset to the “user” language.
The old Community has been fully archived, so it’s read-only, no longer possible to log in. No idea about the Spanish, but the official archive is here - maybe you’re accessing it through some other link that’s Spanish-language only? It comes up in English for me, so worth a shot.
LOL wow okay I see what you mean, I just tried a random BMV search on the site and got the same result. I’ll report it to the team, not sure who’s managing the archive at this point but will try to make sure it gets seen by someone who can either correct the issue or let us know what we’re doing wrong!
Ok that does work, the results are the same as a normal Google search but a bit of a pain to do that every time and I assume the results are filtered/promoted through Google logic rather than the Victron community.
Hopefully Victron can fix this as there was an enormous amount of stuff on the old site !
You could always create posts and move data over . I think the old site not longer has full services and fixes from the old host. But at least the information is accessible in some way.
I agree it is a pain to not be able to login I had book marked a tonne of favourites there.