CAN-Bus over TCP/IP

Has anyone used Cerbo’s “CAN-Bus over TCP/IP” option ?
In other words has anyone used the socketcand daemon?

Nobody ?.. :cry:

No one has activated Service access level in Cerbo and take advantage of the new options and menus?

Possibly due to a lack of compatible equipment in use??

Sorry ?.. Which equipment?

It seems that this socketcand daemon is already installed into Venus OS.
From what I’ve understood, the Cerbo starts a server that will listen for connections.
When one connects, one will be able to send and read frames on any CAN bus, using specific commands.
Imagine the possibilities to access all devices on a VE.CAN network, at the CAN frame level.
You can read statuses, give commands, read and write Victron registers, etc.
And this, from any network computer in Cerbo’s network.
Through Victron registers you can do almost anything with any VE.CAN enabled equipment.
For sure Victron had something in mind when it installed this software in Venus OS and offered it under the Service mode of the Cerbo.

Not to mention that another option under this Service user level, is the option of exploring the entire dbus tree and see all variables without the need of SSH and dbus-spy… :wink:
So surprised that no one used it until now…

having read the start of the protocol doc, this looks like a solution looking for a problem…
I could see the use for being able to read CAN streams connected to the CERBO over an ip socket, and to occasionally send commands to a stream, but you then need to know the DBC format for each device, and that information is usually proprietary.

Indeed, but from what I’ve saw, on BMS CAN the info is usually broadcasted by the BMSes and many emulates the Pylontech protocol that it’s well known.

As per VE.CAN, information is transactioned - almost all of it - following the NMEA protocol. The PGNs are easy to find and decode, as their definitions are found over the net.
And Victron registers are also known. Also the way of reading and writing them over the CAN. One of them are directly broadcasted and you just need to listen, others must be asked for.

One just need to like a challenge and write a simple app or script to establish a dialog with Cerbo…

Anyway, thanks for answering and willing to have a discussion over it. :slight_smile: :+1:

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