Can a Easysolar II GX be used as a generator for a Multiplus?

Hello absolute beginner here,
I was wondering, can a Easysolar II GX be used as a generator for a Multiplus?

Off-Grid Garage has a similar setup to the one I am looking for except there is a Inverter Smart used as a generator to the Multiplus -

If anybody can shed some light on this it would be greatly appreciated. :+1:

Hi its unsupported, but has been done before, easysolar has to be more powerfull then multiplus however

No reason why not. All you need to do is set the AC in parameters for the Multiplus so as it does not overload the Easysolar. The power assist function will also operate for you too.

Thatโ€™s good. Is there a limit in the number of amps I can pass to the MultiPlus? I was looking in the manual but I cannot figure it out. I think the maximum I can pass is 32 amps.

I was thinking to get a Easysolar 5000w now, and in the future get a 10kw Multiplus (+ separate mppt). Where the EasySolar will be acting as a generator to the Multiplus. Is it possible?

5000/240 = 20 amps passing to Multiplus
10kw/240 = 41 amps from multiplus inverter
Totalling 61 amps AC