Battery pack cap at 91%

Hi all,

So, first of all, my setup :

  • MultiPlus-II 48/15000/200-100
  • MPPT 250/100-MC4
  • Cerbo-S GX
  • 2* Pylontech US5000 4,8 kWh - 48 V / 100 Ah LifePO4
    (-12* JA Solar 430 Wc) not really useful for the actual subject.

Since a few weeks, the State of charge stops at 90/91%.
After a quick check, I’ve found that the communication cable between both batteries was not correctly plugged. On the master, the cable was on the Linkport0 in place of the Linkport 1.
And regarding the status LED. It seems the master was at 5/6 solid on and the slave 6/6 solid on LED.

I’ve change the communication cable after a full shutdown of the system.
After a few hours, batteries appear to be properly balanced.

But it still does not want to charge to 100%

Someone told me about the Charge Voltage and the Charge Voltage Limit and the fact that the BMV must be 0.1V lower then the bulk charge voltage.

First question, did I printscreens the correct info or is there something elsewhere in the menu ?
Second question, if my printscreens are correct, which one do I need to modify ?

  1. getting the Charge Voltage on the MPPT up to 53.10V ?
  2. getting the CVL down to 52.22V ?

Thanks :hugs:

Hi, did you power off both batteries, start the master, then the secondary before starting the rest of the environment?
Just follow the setup guide at Victron & Pylontech UP2500, US2000, US3000, US2000C, US3000C, US5000, US5000B, UF5000, Pelio-L, UP5000, Phantom-S, Force-L1 & L2 [Victron Energy]

The MPPT’s are going to follow the battery, so they mostly will ignore anything set beyond current limits.
The GX will force the CVL lower than what is requested, down to 52.4V to avoid high cell warnings.

I’ve followed those steps :

  1. Turn on the main battery isolator
  2. Turn the Multiplus to the 1 position
  3. Turn on the PV input breakers
  4. Turn on the master battery
  5. Turn on the slave battery

ok, and the GX reports both packs are online and the correct AH?
Is it also configured as the battery monitor in the GX system setup and automatically selected as the BMS in DVCC?
Make sure you haven’t set a voltage limit in DVCC.

Step through the configuration guide I linked to above and make sure everything is right.
In rare cases the battery can get stuck on a lower SOC, this is usually an imbalance, and extended charging can help - not easily done offgrid though.
If all the leds are lit on both batteries and the voltage is correct it should report correctly, unless the wrong monitor is set for some reason.

Here is what I have :

I’ll have a look at your link as soon as possible, thanks for sharing it :slight_smile:

Config wise that looks ok. The system is seeing both batteries, if you have shore power try leave them to charge and confirm if both batteries have fully lit led charge indicators.
If not, it will just take some time, you can let it discharge and then recharge.
Make sure mppt’s are also configured with the recommended charge voltages, though this should be overridden by the BMS.

I’m completly off grid, no more shore power accessible (at least easily. I could request help to a neighbor)

ok, then you need to check the MPPT config and hope the sun shines for an extended period, the system cannot balance without it.
Also worth checking the basics, that the mppt is actually charging your batteries.

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Yep, MPPT does charge the batteries, see the chart of last two days :

Get your meter out and also make sure you have no voltage loss in your wiring, since it is a newish installation.
Upload some vrm charts that show BMS widgets for battery voltage/current.
Min/max cell voltage advanced widget also helps.

here it is :slight_smile:

When I’m not working on the boat, I’ve an average of 100W of loads (Internet connexion, network setup and cameras).

On the chart, you see I was working on the boat yesterday afternoon ^^


Why don’t you connect to the system just one battery at a time and charge it to 100% ?
Then, as they will be now balanced, connect them again in parallel.

Anyway, barring a problem with a battery, with those voltages you need to have patience… :slight_smile:

You’re missing the pylon BMS (id 512) battery voltage and current.
Do a point in time on the solar charger battery voltage and BMS battery voltage and mark down the readings.
If we can rule out voltage drop, then charging each pack individually is a good suggestion.
Don’t forget cell min/max chart.

Sorry, I was on my way back from work. so much charts… I’ve found the way to select them… much easier :smiley:

I just didn’t think to try it @alexpescaru ^^’

Also, if up until now all was OK and suddenly only 91%, then it will be interesting to see the event logs from inside the batteries.
They tell a lot of things about what happened…
Connect with Pylontech’s BatteryView on the console port of the batteries and get the logs.

I’ll look to do it.
But I don’t live near by the boat so it won’t be done tomorrow.

I’ll also try your other advice to charge one battery at a time as well.

Thanks a lot ! :pray:

historicaly speaking. I first turn on the installation in july 2024.
Everything went fine until the 17th. Except that this winter I had to shut down the system multiple times because of the lack of sun. The lower I went was 11%.
It started weird on Feb 17th. That sunny day the charge stopped at 89% at 11.00AM and it went up again at 2:00PM to end up fully charged at 4:00PM.

Same behavior the 18th :
Normal charge until 89% (around 11:00AM)
stopped charging from 11:00AM until 03:45PM
started charging again at 03:45PM until 05:15PM when it was at 100%
Same the 19th, but it didn’t reach 100% (96%)
the 20th was the first day to cap at 91%
the 21st went back to normal and charged in one go to 100%
22th and 23th to 91%
24th to 99% with a “pause” for 1hour at 95% (but was sunny enough to be charged)
25th stopped at 95%
and since the 26th until today it stopped at 91%

that way I’ve given all the details I can :smiley:

I’ll let you know in a few days about the Battery’s logs and about the charge of one at a time.
(it’s a 45min drive from home to the boat and my days at work are quite busy :slight_smile: )

I’ve also have multiple Pylontechs on parallel.
If the charging and discharging is chaotic, like in your case, without full recharge, then small imbalance between batteries could occur.
First full charge is happening slower than usual, especially the final balancing stage.
So you’ll be OK. :slight_smile:
If you want to quickly “break free”, then switch to “keep batteries charged” up until full charge and then back again.
Also take into account that Pylontechs have the habit to stay at about 89-90 in the final stage and then quickly jump towards 100%.
Take a look at one of my cycles…

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