I have 2× MPPT 250/100-Tr, 2× Multiplus II 48/5000/70, SmartShunt and Cerbo. The batteries are made of LiFePO₄ cells (18× 3.2 V) with a capacity of 840 Ah and the panels have an output of 8 kWp.
As long as I had one MPPT, everything was fine. After connecting the second MPPT, the controllers ignore absorption and only switch between Bulk and Float modes. I had the absorption set between 1 hour and 12 hours.
The BMS does not interfere with charging, it only serves for balancing.
Disabled current and voltage sharing in Cerbo, then disabled DVCC.
Disconnected Cerbo from the battery and left it without power for a few minutes.
Reset both MPPTs to factory settings.
Turned on Cerbo and reconnected both MPPTs.
Enabled DVCC and turned on current and voltage sharing.
Note: I keep the software updated throughout the setup. Simply resetting both MPPTs to factory settings didn’t help. I’m not sure what exactly worked, but everything is OK.
Thanks for letting us know. It was likely the Smart Networking, which isn’t recommended with a GX. You didn’t mention that in your first post, which likely would have prompted replies. Glad you have it fixed.