2x MPPT 250/100-Tr Bulk -> Float (SKIP Absorption)


I have 2× MPPT 250/100-Tr, 2× Multiplus II 48/5000/70, SmartShunt and Cerbo. The batteries are made of LiFePO₄ cells (18× 3.2 V) with a capacity of 840 Ah and the panels have an output of 8 kWp.

As long as I had one MPPT, everything was fine. After connecting the second MPPT, the controllers ignore absorption and only switch between Bulk and Float modes. I had the absorption set between 1 hour and 12 hours.

The BMS does not interfere with charging, it only serves for balancing.

Parameters below.

I would be happy for any advice.


What worked for me:

  • Disconnected both MPPTs from VE.Smart Network.
  • Disabled current and voltage sharing in Cerbo, then disabled DVCC.
  • Disconnected Cerbo from the battery and left it without power for a few minutes.
  • Reset both MPPTs to factory settings.
  • Turned on Cerbo and reconnected both MPPTs.
  • Enabled DVCC and turned on current and voltage sharing.

Note: I keep the software updated throughout the setup. Simply resetting both MPPTs to factory settings didn’t help. I’m not sure what exactly worked, but everything is OK.

Bulk > Absorption > Float :slight_smile:

Thanks for letting us know. It was likely the Smart Networking, which isn’t recommended with a GX. You didn’t mention that in your first post, which likely would have prompted replies. Glad you have it fixed.