When DC system activated, System overview graph is always wrong


Have been having a Multiplus 12/3000/120 with 1150Ah of lead batteries for five years. Shunt, MPPT and Cerbo. All working fine.

Last month I upgraded to a Multiplus II 48/5000/50 with a Lithium battery with integrated BMS. Works as I expected - except for one thing.

We have a Orion 48/12 and a couple of small 12V loads. Just because I can (and I’m used to from the earlier setup), I want to monitor these. So I enabled " Has DC system". First I noticed that the readings were at best inaccurate. But I also noticed that in the “System overview”-graph, consumption and solar is always equal. When I disable “Has DC system” it makes sense.

I then used the SmartShunt as DC meter (DC system), because I thought that would fix both problems. That only solved the first issue.

But the values in real time look good and make sense:

Anyone has any ideas?


Noone had this problem? Maybe my chosen screenshot didn’t show it well enough.

Generator and solar always equals consumption. Which really is not correct…

I have it connected like this:

and the Shunt configured as “DC Energy Meter” and meter type “DC System”.
Again, this happens as soon as I enable “DC system”. Both with and without the SmartShunt connected.

Should I move the MPPT to the other side of the Shunt? Not that I think that it would fix my problem, just asking what would be correct…

What are you expecting it to show?

The DC meter will not be included as a consumer so would be part of that total. As it is [compensated for in DVCC] and power is generated for it.(7. All features and settings)
You are offgrid so your generation will be equal to your consumption? {John C is correct i forgot about loses} but generation would still cover losses and loses are consumption just not by the system}
If you go to the overview and then see system consumption you will see other figures for how energy is consumed. (Loads, battery charging, etc.)

There’s something wrong. I’ve a similar offgrid system and have never seen anything like that Generation equalling Consumption. Your second screenpic shows it clearly. System losses aren’t reported by VRM, and they may be more than 1 kWh/day. Nor are DC Load values counted by VRM as Consumption, even if via a shunt and allocated as ‘DC System’ (They should be but they’re not).
With a 5yo system, maybe you’ve picked up a firmware incompatibility somewhere between devices. You could try updating everything to the latest and see how that goes.

The DC Power tile (without shunt allocated to it) doesn’t really do anything except provide a ‘by-difference’ calculated value of figures that don’t match.