What Inverter to get? What does it eliminate (other components)?

Seems like the “victron multiplus II 12v, 3000w, 120amp” is the starting point for my solar RV / Travel Trailer build? I know that it has a ‘charge controller’ inside of it. Does this eliminate the need for upgrading the Travel Trailer charge controller? I do believe that I’ll still need to purchase an MPPT Charge Controller but wanting to confirm – as the names are, the same. Are there any other solar array components that I would be able to skip or not purchase if I have the Vic Mult II?

Wiring this Inverter into the trailer, is it simple? Or hire an electrician? I know these are able to wire up a ‘2 sided’ solar setup but that gets confusing fast. Would the existing charge controller in the RV be eliminated and removed, and wiring this unit in it’s place?

In a few months, I will be living full time in my 22 ft travel trailer. This will be my 3rd solar build and would love a recommendation on where to ‘begin’ as I’m not a beginner but need some good advice on components and were to start? I’m probably going 12 volt because I know 12 volt.

My first 2 purchases would be the Victron Multi Plus II and a 280 ah Chins ($414). Any advice on what components to start with? I’d like to build a system that I can add additional batteries and panels in the future …


Yes the Multi has a build in charger wich takes care of charging lead acid batteries. For Li-ion you need a bettery fitted with a BMS.

DIY? Ask yourself the question: What if the thing burns down, who’s going to pay the damage when the insurer finds out you have done the mains voltage wiring yourself ? (even if that isn’t the cause of the drama).

No, a multiplus has no “solar” charge controller, but you can connect it to the batteries in parallel to the existing solar controller.

Ofc the mp can also handle lithium batteries, in most cases a basic bms is already installed in the batteries

An all-in-one, the Easysolar - II GX (24V) has a charge controller integrated Note it is a 3kVA (2400W) inverter. The specifications and dimensions are available on the Victron website. It has very much everything you need in one unit. Only as 24V or 48V if you maybe considered creating a 24V system and use DC-DC converters for 12V appliances.