Vrm Solar Yield Problem on MPTT'

Vrm graphs has a problem.
When you want to see Solar Yield in days there is 2 options, first one is solar yield yesterday and second one is solar yield today. These datas have different day start and end time in my opinions. Also it will be more understandable and user friendly if they shown in bar graphs.

At the attached file you can see with solar yield today you cant get correct information. Trying to show the data in dashboard at the enterence screen.

Hi @heraktitus
I’ve been aware of this for a while now (and reported it), but you’ve prompted me to delve a little deeper as it hasn’t been fixed. I don’t think it’s VRM’s fault, this seems to be initiated in the GX (maybe related to NewUI?). My widget…

Up until 23Oct Today Yield was being reset near midnight, as you’d expect. Then in the next 3 days some strange changes resulted in the Today Yield starting during solar hours, causing the shape of the curve to become weird. But it wasn’t consistently 24 hrs, day by day it got earlier by ~30 min, so I later found the reset point back in the dark hours. So it’s ok for me right now, but it’s still happening.

Another place to view this is where I first spotted it, described briefly here… Solar Yield Graph Not Working - #2 by JohnC

Thanks for reporting it. Hopefully someone can find a fix…