VRM setting "Preferred first day of week" not working for quick range selection

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My first day of the week is set to Monday in the VRM user preferences.

Picking “this week” or “previous week” does not start the date interval on Monday but still on Sunday.

→ Previous week should be 26/08 to 1/09

→ This week should be 2/09 to 8/09

Hi @Cubeteq , good point. I will make sure we implement a fix for this.

@Barbara Any update on this issue?


Not yet! This will be scheduled for November due to more urgent matters needing attention.

Any news??


I guess not…


This is in internal testing. I expect this to go live next week Wednesday. Thank you for your patience!

Great news
Thank you

Hey there,

This just went live this afternoon :slight_smile:


Hi Barbara

Thank you very much for the update.

I can confirm that it displays correctly now.

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