Venus OS 3.52 -> caractere size on gui-v2


I’ve just installed v3.52, gui-v2 is very nice !
I noticed that character size is too big on these two screens :

I don’t know if I missed a setting, or if it’s a bug that will be fixed in next Venus release.


PS : same problem with Chromium and Firefox, I am working on Linux desktop.

The problem (if this could be named this way) is the fact that in other languages the words can be longer…
Probably they’ve tested only the English variant to look OK.

Relevant remark !

I hope it will be fixed soon to fit with any languages.

From #ukrainian standpoint I just put some effort and reworked all translated strings, causing issues.
Some of them got shortened, other - found alternatives.
It worth finding somebody who will be responsible for the language you care of and ping @dfaber to help with proofreading

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I think a little decreasing of character size should be easier and faster solution.
My 2 cents.