Soc time left?

Hi there,

I’ve have a question about the SOC.
In VRM you can see the SOC percentages and that is fine.
But… is there a way you can also see your “time left” when you are using battery power.
I’ve been using a shunt in my van en that has the “time left” feature.

Do I need a shunt in my system?
Or is there a setting in VRM that I can use for this.

Thanks in advance!!!

That calculation is only done by a BMV. Venus/VRM does not calculate this information nor do smart batteries.
I have written my own node red code to calculate this (with a vague degree of accuracy) but to do that and take it further requires you to do some dev work.
Shunts are the best practice solution for SOC accuracy, especially with multiple charge sources and/or DC loads.

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That’s what I thought……

Thanks for the reply!!!

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