Quattro 12v/5000 Overload state

Quattro 12v/5000. Operation is not restored after overload (more than 4500w) on output Out1. It stays in the stopped overload state, LED Overload. It is necessary to go to turn off and on with switch manually. Is it normal? How can I program it to work again automatically after overload on Out1 220v output?

It depends on what kind of overload you are talking about.
Was it overload and temperature? Battery faliure?

And yes it should be normal to check your inverter after overload shutdown. What if the overload was caused by a problem?

Though i am surprised 4500w is not much of an overload, a well set up system should be able to sustain that for over half an hour.

The batteries are serviceable, new LiFePO4. The 12/5000 inverter withstands a 4300w load for a long time. But when the load is exceeded, the 4500w is immediately disconnected from the overload, immediately. The temperature is 25C, the inverter is not hot, only the overload LED lights up. The problem is that the inverter does not turn on automatically after an overload, but stands there for hours and waits for it to be turned off and turned on manually. It’s very inconvenient. How can I fix this?

Ultimately you would need a bigger inverter or better cooling. The inverter wont be at 25° if ambient is that.
The only way to automate the restart is node red.
And overload shutdown is an alarm condtion.

Why does the Multiplus II turn on automatically after overloading, but the Quattro does not?
What does it mean that it can withstand a peak load of up to 10000w? How many minutes or seconds should it withstand overloads of more than 4500w?

The quattro does auto restart. (Assuming the set is fine)
The not auto restart indicates another issue. That is why also i was asking if the overload was accompanied by temperature warnings.

Not all overloads are the same. Most often there are 3 attampts at restart if is it a short on the ouptut for example. The attempts will stop if the overload condition still exists on each start up.

For an automatic recovery from the overload, the overload condition must be removed. The system has it on AC1 so you would have to remove the overload to continue.
Do you have all your firmware up to date?
Is the unit clean inside?

The temperature is normal, the unit did not overheat. Only 1 overload LED is lit. Disconnecting the output loads or applying 220V voltage to the input does not restore the operation of the inverter. You only need to turn it off and on with the button to restart. The inverter is new, bought a month ago, updated. What can be done to fix this problem?

Update must not have been successful, v497 is far away from v55x which is current.

Is the load on the ac2 out?
You can program it to auto switch off ac2 on overload warning/alarm.