Problem with DESS

That is a commonly appearing behaviour. Either it is a (ongoing) Issue, or DESS is smarter than we are :wink:

Today, I was having the same Issue as well - but when looking at the current values, WHEN this is happening, it starts to make certain sence - just the DESS Graph does not outline the detail behind:

What DESS in Fact is doing in my case: Using the DC-Connected Charger to already charge the battery, using the AC-tied inverter + grid to sustain the loads.

The graph in VRM however considers this a “Grid2Bat” as in your case.
VRM is basically thinking: Consumption = PV, so we have that 479 from grid going in the battery.

With regards to current grid prices, it may indeed be “optimal” to use a certain amount from Grid NOW to directly power AC-loads, over having additional DC-AC conversion losses and later on add another round of losses, when doing Grid2Bat / AC-DC again to charge the battery later.

So, even if DESS is showing Grid2Bat in the graph - it is in Fact Solar2Bat and Grid2Consumption that is going on.


However, there is a second, older issue, that DESS is working with a “hourly target-soc” - and if that soc is not reached by the hour, it will do “something” to achieve the soc, like charging from grid. Thought this was resolved, but in the past days, there have been many posts, starting to report exactly this behaviour again, see for example: