Only 4kw discharge on a 5kw multiplus

My Victron Multiplus 2 5000 GX 48 volt only discharges at 3700 watts instead of 5000 watts.

At a friend of mine, his Multiplus 2 5000 discharges at 5000 watts.

ESS inverter limit is disabled. Discharge current allowed (DCL) is 143 amps

What can be wrong?

Need to look at the bigger picture here.
It could likely be derating due to heat?

Are your two set ups identical? (Cable sizing, length ac runs etc?) Software wise same input current limit?

Maybe BMS limits current. Take a look at the advanced tab and check battery tabs.

The inverters are rated in VA, not Watts.
Continuous discharge, at 25C, is 4000W.
Any temps above this, or restricted airflow, will reduce the output further, 3700W is pretty normal for conventional loads and warmer temps.
It has always been a poor design decision to size any system to run at its peak continuous rating, depending on how it is installed, it almost always will derate.


Or it was a bad sales decision to promote a 4000W unit as “5000”.


Or my powerfactor is bad, the 5kW is at power factor 1. I read that the peak power is around 8kW for this unit.

Thank you for your input.

4kW is enough for me I can live with that.

If my other topic about battery drain in dess during idle is solved I’m happy… Multiplus 2 drains battery when DESS target soc = soc with 118 watt in idle discharge mode

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Btw the 4kW limit is not caused due to wiring which is 70mm2 or bms limit which limits at 150 amps. The inverter is 25 degrees.

Internals? Usually if ambient (outside) is that the internals are much hotter.

The tech specs for the 230v are here state (5000VA) 4000W at 25°C. Peak 9000W

See note (3) for the type of load needed to get 5000VA though.


A post was split to a new topic: Can someone explain Non-linear load, crest factor 3:1

Temperature of the victron housing on the hotest part of the frontpanel (10 cm from the top in the center). Hanging inside in the Attic during winter with an ambient temperature of 18 degrees and outside temperature of 7 degrees without sun.

Yes, the Peak Power is even 9kW. But Peak-Power means, the inverter can provide this for some seconds (5? 15?) To avoid the whole system going down due to some high start-currents of attached consumers.

So, you should ask your friend again, where he did the 5000 Watt reading. If it was after turning on the ac and lastet a few seconds - sure he could read 5000 or even more.

Doesn’t mean his unit will provide that power continiously.

Idk, it’s datasheet is clearly saying 5000VA/4000 Watt - Do you also buy a car with 299 horsepower and then complain it’s not 299 kW? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Sorry, there is a clear factor between hp and kw.

For VA and W there is not, and 99% of the people don’t know the difference.

There is also a clear factor between VA and W, cos(phi).

Providing a rating in Watts (alone) wouldn’t be accurate. Depending on the loads people drive, the inverter wouldn’t apparently match it’s rating, which would result in a lot of complaints I assume.

VA is the clear rating possible independent of the load type, thus when talking about a “maximum capability” it’s the only number that is true for any type of load.

Anyway, the datasheet outlines both values, so nobody reading at least a 2 page document before purchasing should accidently think a MP 5000 means 5000 Watts.

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Cos(phi) is a variable, not a factor.

99.7% of the world population are standing in the dark.

Minor point, but when used as an ESS it is rated / certified G99 4.4kW and off-grid 4kW.

Can’t resist this one.
It’s commonly known as ‘Power Factor’.
Ah, the terminology…

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For a motor its a factor.

For the grid (and an inverter) its a constantly changing variable.

I asked my friend about the 5kW and he said it’s only delivering that in the beginning. When the unit becomes warmer it also regulates back to 4kW.

But in an ambient temperature of 25 degrees it’s specified 5kVA which is 5kW at powerfactor 1.

The 4kW is rated at powerfactor 0.8

Hiya, can you look at the battery BMS in device list, then parameters and let us know what the DCL number is.