NodeRED: How to get state if Solar Charger is currently limited or not?

I need to know if the current PV power is limited by any restrictions or not.

Why? I´m limiting grid-feed-in at some times and if the battery is full at the same time and there is no consumtion in house, PV power is going to 0. That way, my smarthome thinks there is no PV power avalable even if there is.

Node “Solar Charger” MPP operation mode is exactly what I´m looking for, but it seems in real condition that state “sticks” to “1” (1 - Voltage or current limited, 2 - MPPT Tracker active) even if there is no limit active and the MPPT produces as much power as available.

Is there any other node I can use to know if the PV power its currently limited?

Thanks a lot

Check the paths xxx/solarcharger/X/Link/ChargeCurrent and xxx/solarcharger/x/Settings/ChargeCurrentLimit. For a unlimited 70A MPPT, that values should be 70A.

I would assume to see changes here, if the mppts are throttled due to disabled feedin and insufficent CCL reported by the bms, combined with too little consumption.

Then, when you have Limit ~ Actual Current (xxx/solarcharger/x/Dc/0/Current), you know it’s beeing actually limited. (Mind the limit could be set to 35A, but the actual current is only 20A, which means the mppt simply can’t produce more currently)

However, Limit ~ Actual Current just tells you that there is a limit kicking in, the system can’t know if it’s currently cutting down 5W or 8000W. Obviously, when the MPPT is shifting away from an ideal MPP to obey the limits, it can’t know / report how much energy it’s missing.

I’ve also written a SolarOverheatDistributor, which is currently only working with Feed-In enabled. (That’s easy). But I’m thinking about how to detect overhead in Non-Grid situations as well.

I think the most reliable way - to avoid consumers frequently turning on and off - would be to keep the soc at ~ 90% and use the charge / discharge rate of the battery to determine if you could enable additional consumers (positive charge rate) or disable some (negative charge rate)

If you are concerned about battery balancing, you could simply start to focus on the 90% soc, once your battery reached 100% for 30 minutes or something. Then just enable all consumers, and when reaching 90%, start to turn them off / on again to reach a steady +/- 0W on the battery charge rate.

I would then say: If soc is reaching 89% , i’m targeting for a slightly positive charge rate. If soc is reaching 91, target for a slightly negative charge rate until reaching 89 soc again.

Great point, thanks a lot! Havn´t thought about the effects to ampere when limited. I will check it out when sun is back again!