Multiplus in parallel, which is which?

Having gone through the Multiplus II manual, I don’t seem to find any mention of how to manage the order of two Multiplus in parallel.

  1. How do I know which one is Nº 1 and which is Nº2

  2. How do I swap the order of them to my needs?



In the System Configurator too … click on the Unit and Identify … via flash Leds

I was under the understanding that the one flashing was Nº2, is that not correct?

In a parallel configuration number 1 is the master and number two is the slave . The master led is fixed in Inverting (or mains if in passtrough) while the slave has the leds mains and inverting blinking alternately .

That is what I understood so why when I attempt to use the charger the system stops and returns this error message?
Slave does not have an AC input
I was under the understanding that, when in parallel, only one Multiplus can be used for charging so I didn’t bother connecting AC to the second one.
What is the point of connecting the AC input on the second Multi if it can’t be used for charging?

Units in Parallel also need all the same connections … including the Grid Connection … you can use both as chargers … maybe with a reduced charged current …
But you have to take all the same cables … in leght and diameter

I sure did but I was advised that only one charger could be used so I didn’t connect AC to the second unit.
I shall do that tomorrow and check that the charger works.
Thanks Again.

Yes … in your configuration it would be more important to take a look at the DC Cables … :wink:

That seems to go against other opinions, according to most the AC is the one the one that accounts for the load resistance.
However, when I installed the second Multy I replaced all DC and DC cables to make them equal.
10mm for DC and 70mm for AC all equal length.