Multiplus II 10kva Parallel Connections

Hello, there is a bit of confusion in documentation from Victron around configuration of 10KVA multiplus 2 (MP2) in parallel. I have read the documentation on configuring in parallel with help of an external switch application. I’m still confused and hope you can help. I have contacted my dealer and installers and they have given me conflicting info!

External switch application manual provides guidance on connecting MP2 in multiphase and confirms that additional units can be configured in parallel in EACH of the multiphase using just VE bus and AC out. A few questions:

  1. Does it mean parallel connection of the 10kva MP2 can ONLY be done in combination with, and as additional to MP2 already set up in a multiphase connection?
  2. Can I skip setting up the 10KVA MP2 in a multiphase connection and simply connect the two MPs I have in parallel. If answer is yes, do I need to first use VE bus config tool be used to configure the Master before adding others in parallel to the single phase. I’m probably taking nonsense but please help as I’m frustrated?
  3. Finally, the manual only describes a “3 Phase” multiphase set up. Is it possible to set up my 2 (Two) MP2 in a splitphase set up? Note they are both 240V. In that case, can they both be set up in a daisy chain and one connected to my cerbo gx. If I do this, will I see both in the VRM portal?
  4. In the event that my two MP2 cannot be set up either as parallel or 2 MP2 in a split phase set up. Can I set them up independently on each of my 2 phases. If I do this, can I connect them to my cerbo gx through daisy chaining them and connecting one to the cerbo? Or connect each independently to each of the ve bus terminals on the cerbo gx. In either case, will I see both separately in the VRM portal?

Looking forward to your kind help. Please note I do not have any need to connect them to GRID or generator. My system will be charged solely and 100% through my solar or PV array/charge controllers.

Its usually best to have one simple question per post.

No you cannot have two inverters on a GX unless they are one system (if you want control over both) with one GX. Daisy chaining is possible in one ve bus system only.
This answers you other - you either have two sites on vrm with 2 gxs or one system on one GX

Are you split phasing or paralleling there is a big difference. (And yes you can do either or or even have only two of three phases configured). Important to know as it changes your physical wiring significantly and product choice.

Links in this post to documentation on the GX question

You can open ve bus configurator in demo mode and mess around there.

The victron 10kVa cannot be parrallel connected at this point in time.
See the datasheet.

I suppose as an edit - unless you use the external transfer switch option but it is not for grid use at this point in time. Manual

Many thanks.

Technically the issue is the input relays, since the OP is not grid connected, nor wants a generator, it should work, though isn’t supported in that configuration and may result in warranty issues.

The GX only supports one system, it cannot manage multiple, nor can the inverters share a battery.
There are users with many weird and wonderful (and wholly unsupported) installations, but as a Victron forum, we can’t encourage those sorts of deployments.

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Thanks Nick. Fully understood.