I have a Multiplus-2 5000/48 here, V552, running with a Cerbo v3.52.
I’ve been struggling with charging from the generator on this all winter, with the generator cutting out regularly and significant voltage drops (below 170V on a 230V system) on the generator, indicating issues with the AVR.
(Dynamic current limiter, wide input range all used, UPS is off)
For a long time, I thought it was either a bad AVR or an issue with the Hyundai 6KVA diesel gen I was using. Eventually the AVR burned through and I replaced it. However I also stopped charging via AC-In and instead introduced an EG4 Chargeverter, to completely bypass the MP2 charger.
I’m done with fiddling with the MP2 settings to get this to work properly and I am now convinced that the MP2 killed the AVR. Why? Cause on the EG4 it runs super smooth. Gentle ramp up of the current to the set limits, then it just ticks away. As I charge into DC directly, no more flickering lights and the risk of getting my electronics damaged.
Today, I got curious and switched the setup back to the AC-In. What happens? Voltage drops to ca. 190V immediately and a minute later, the AVR is burned through again. Thankfully I now keep a spare all the time and swapped it out. Back on the EG4, everything runs smooth again.
I have followed all the information available over the year, like this one:
MultiPlus Generator FAQ [Victron Energy]
Yes, the 6KVA gen is a bit on the smaller side, for a 5KW system, but I am never running this without current limits and usually no more than 60% load. Most importantly, it just works perfectly on the EG4, so please no pontificating about the statements in the FAQ etc.
There seems to be a significant difference how the MP2 handles the loading of the AVR, compared to the EG4. I am a Victron fan. I am providing this feedback, so that Victron can hopefully improve this. I have no interest in dealing with a US manufacturer and importing stuff from there, but I cannot argue with the results, which are frankly very impressive.
I hope this can be addressed in software, or even if Victron create a similar product. Personally I prefer to have this charger tie into DVCC as well and have proper VRM statistics. But its the middle of winter and having charged batteries (off-grid) is kinda more important right now.