LED blink codes

Stand alone Multiplus 24/3000/70 8cell Lipfo4 battery
Supplying AC in from a generator. Was bulk charging fine. It now shows
-Mains on
-bulk blinking
-All other lights off

VictronConnect shows:
-25.56 battery voltage
-absorption voltage 28.4
-float voltage 27.0

I don’t understand why it is not continuing bulk charge. What does this light status indicate?

Thanks a bunch

This means bulk protection activated.
It may think there is a problem with the battery or the connection to it as it is taking too long to charge.

You can switch off bulk protection in ve config (see number 3 here.) . But there is a warning on this as batteries can be damaged with excessive charging.

Check the batteries first.
Switch the inverter off and on again with the front rocker.

You can look up the victron toolkit app.
It has LED definitions in it. Very useful tool.

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Thanks, i forgot that I had that app. Being a computer guy I did power it off and back on but it reverted to the blink. Oddly I changed another parameter and the reset seemed to have fixed the problem. Heavy overcast again today, will see how it goes.

Thanks a bunch