I have a multiplus-II 48/5000/70-48 and an E bic battery, I charge the battery using a low cost night tariff. I want to add some solar to charge during the day, I do not need to send any surplus to the grid what size solar do I need to add, it was suggested that 2KW would be enough. Any help appreciated.
Hi all depends on where you are located and how you can orient your pv and how big your battery is
In winter time you will need more then summer
You can attach multiple panels with mppts
Or use ac inverters on ac out 1/2 (follow 1:0 rule!)
And if you dont want to feed back to grid you can also disable that
If you only want solar to charge the batteries, a DC-coupled MPPT would be preferable over any AC-coupled PV. Higher efficency, easier to control / limit by the system when no solar is required.
Exactly that!
I am in the UK we already have solar but not allowed to connect as not ours, rent a roof.
The battery is 13.4KWh e-Bick Ultra 175-4820M
Control module TCC -CAM
By experimentation, I came to the conclusion that if you size your panels to about 20-25% of your battery capacity, you’ll be OK for all situations.
I have 4 x 12V 120Ah set up in a 24V / 240Ah configuration, I presume this is giving me 5760W. Does that mean that a 1200 - 1500W solar system would suffice?
Still, take into consideration eventual shading.
I have 4kWp PV for a 13kW battery and up to 12 o’clock the solar is charging back what is consumed during the night since previous day.
Solar, in fact, is better to be a little more, even if you don’t need, for cloudy days.