Can we have the possibility to select the sensor we want to show in the menu and also change the order .
+1 This would be extremely useful.
+1 And sorting should by by name (it was for some time but was broken recently)
Would love to have that.
Will help to sort temp sensors in logical groups/order like cooling, batteries, inside and outside temperatures.
Hey all, Thank you for the feedback! yes we’ll look at improvements around this topic.
But only after fixing bugs and existing functionality - priority now is to get it ready for release.
Meanwhile, suggestions are welcome.
Upvoting this, I have ~8 sensors and would really like to order and hide some. Right now, Fridge (Top drawer) and Fridge (Bottom drawer) are at opposite sides of the list.
As long as we’re able to sort and select, can we also set which level we want to see by default. I look at my temp sensors much more than my fresh water tank (which is also shown on the brief screen anyway). So, would like to have “environment” shown first. Thanks.
Hi all,
will the sorting feature for the temperature sensors be implemented at some point in time.
Not being able to do that is one of the main reason for me not to switch to the new UI.