ESS - ET340 with PV AC-In coupled - GX bug


I just installed my first Victron installation:

  • MP-II 48/3000 GX
  • 1X Pylontech US500
  • ET340 (see below)
  • SCT30 current transformer (see below)
  • AC-In coupled PV micro-inverters
  • all FW updated
  • nothing on AC-Out

First test :

  • I didn’t use the SCT30 at all
  • ET340 L1: grid power
  • ET340 L2 : PV power (AC-in)

Result : no problem, all is working as expected and the GX display is coherent (sorry, it’s in French, I changed language for the next pictures) :

unfortunatly the ET340 is way too slow for my need (I also have a PV router at home, and ET340 is slower than it, that’s not good at all)

As soon as I try to use the SCT30 external CT the display is completly wrong.
Config change for CT:
VEconfig : External current sensor connected : yes
GX :

  • ESS : inverter/charger (instead of external)
  • Energy meter : PV inverter on phase 2 position in AC Input 1

Display is completly wrong : CA Load == PV Power … bad !

If instead I choose :

  • Energy meter : PV inverter on phase 2 position in AC output (that is wrong because my PV are on the INPUT side)

Values are good again, but I expected the same picture as my first one (all connected to CA input)

So, 3 things :

  • ET340 is useless for me, way too slow, but it can be usefull for PV power monitoring
  • using the external CT prevents me from knowing the current flowing through the MP-2… which is a shame
  • correctly declaring the location of my panels results in a nasty calculation error

I wil see tonight without sun what will be the behaviour.

PS: I don’t know why my system reports “Ext. Control” … I did nothing for that

Hi if you need a fast meter you should have used the em540 or the victron vm3p75

I would have been very happy to have managed to find this information in the 548669 Victron documentations (of which almost none are really up to date) before purchasing the equipment :sweat_smile:

Yes i understand :slightly_smiling_face:
It is documented in the energy selection guide

Thanks Mark,

This doc is … not up to date, as always :rofl:
ET340 refresh rate = 2000 ms in this doc versus 1s is the manufacturer datasheet (

but that’s not really the subject.
My question mainly concerns the calculation and display error on the GX when I correctly declare my panels as being connected to AC-IN

I have found another guy with the same problem.
Let see if that will be corrected soon

I noticed the same problem. I have a Solaredge PV connected via Modbus and when I configure it as connected to AC-in (which it is), the PV power is subtracted from the grid power in the visualisations. When I configure it as connected to AC-out, the display is correct. It only seems to affect the visualisation though, not the grid power input for ESS. This behavior is the same with the internal metering of the Multiplus II or with the external current clamp.
BTW: What is the effect of the “External current sensor connected” VEconfigure setting? The external current clamp also seemed to work before I checked that option.

Very good question … tried with and without … no visible difference for me