ESS control loop instable after upgrade to Venus v3.41

I updated today to Venus v3.41 and noticed that the ESS control loop oscillated heavily. After downgrade to v3.33 the control loop was stable again. I never noticed such behaviour when running v3.33 for the last couple of months. My MultiPlus-II 48/5000 has firmware 510.

I found that the hub4control process on Venus was updated from v1.3.5 to v1.3.6. Is this process responsible for the ESS control loop? Since this program is closed source it is difficult to find what has changed under the hood? There is no info in the release logs about hub4control.

For the grid meter I’m using my own Python script which receives meter data once per second from a Belgian P1 meter. This works just fine on both Venus versions.

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I published the following D-Bus path in my grid meter Python script which fixes the oscillation in v3.42. A belgian P1 meter is only updated once a second.

	# Used by hub4control to know how fast it can make its control loop.
	service.add_path('/RefreshTime', 1000) # ms
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Hm. So you’re taking the values from your P1 port to emulate a grid meter ?
As opposed to using an actual grid meter ?
Care to enlighten us how you did that ? :grin:

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