EM540 peak power consumption does not match SmartMeter with tibber pulse

Dear Victron Community,

my grid meter is a EM540. Regarding my DESS Setup, it’s working very well, no issues. There’s just one thing, I do not get when I compare the peak power shown on my energy providers smartmeter compared to the EM540.

Here’s the riddle:

  • Every Morning, a simple and small electrical radiator (600W) is warming a small room for one hour.
  • The heater is connected through a combined MyStrom meter/timer. The meter shows the correct peak power (about 509W)
  • My EM540 shows a correct value as well logged in VRM. Everything as it should be.
  • My SmartMeter however shows a peak power of 3819W at the same time. Tibber is connected via optical sensor to my smartmeter via Tibber pulse. So Tibber shows, what the smartmeter provides.
  • My EM540 is in line between SmartMeter and my house electric. Nothing egresses before the EM540
  • Nothing else is consuming extensive power in the Morning as shown in the EM540 log in VRM.
  • The consumption total for that day is nevertheless correct: Tibber 1.37 kWh, VRM via EM540 1.4 kWh

What do i miss?

After a more closer observation, there seems to be an explanation on the horizon. Not to forget, the total consumption was always correct on energyprovider/tibber and on EM540/Victron side.

  • One inaccuracy was my fault. There was indeed an additional very short electric kettle heating at 6:10, close to the power consumption ramp-up of the radiator.
  • It seems, like short peaks (less than one or two minutes) are not always visible in VRM. Might be related to the data log timing interval. Data points in VRM seem to be every 5min in my system with some exceptions.

Does anyone know, how the VRM data points are calculated? Is it the power consumption at that moment in time or an average since the last data point log?

The whole topic is not a major issue. Just try to understand, how to interpret the shown values correctly. And why the same situation might get visualized different in tibber and VRM.

Do you have a Cerbo if so, what do you have your datalogging set to (if not already checked), see 12.4. Troubleshooting data logging below, might help?

Cerbo GX Manual (victronenergy.com)

You can zoom in to see a higher resolution

Thank you very much for the hint, @nesswill . I have a Cerbo GX. And I read the recommended chapter in the manual once more to see what I might have missed. Standard log interval is 15min in my setup. As far as I remember, that is the default value. No connection errors.

I can zoom into the graph in VRM, yes. When I hover from data point to data point, the interval is in many cases 15min. But not in all cases (7:04). See the zoomed area from yesterday in the morning. The data log timestamps seem to be: 5:45, 6:00, 6:15, 6:30, 6:45, 7:00, 7:04, 7:15

What would be the Power Data Item after 15min?

  • Average?
  • Peak?
  • At that point in time?

I would set data logging to 1m as long it doesn’t cause you any data costs or connection issue.

You can also set "show range values " that might help.

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Thanks, @nesswill . I deployed both of your configuration tips.

I did one more test to confirm the different visualization based on a defined test scenario:

  • VRM log interval set to 1min in GX
  • 2000W load (hairdryer)
  • Starting it 5 times for only two seconds with a few minutes in between starts
  • Running it 2 times for more than a minute
  • Starting it another 2 times for 10 seconds with a few minutes in between
  • Test time ~ 10:30 - 11:40

This is, how it gets recognized in

  • GridMeter EM540 via GX and VRM
  • GX System AC consumption via VRM
  • Tibber via optical sensor connected to my providers SmartMeter
  • MyStrom Meter directly connected to the hairdryer

Takeaway for me: Always think twice when it comes to loads with a rather short duty cycle. They may not appear correctly or even not at all

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