DVCC - Limit managed battery charge voltage

Is there a register to activate/disable the “limit managed battery charge voltage” ?

Reason: i want to set this to enabled and 55,6v - and once every two months i want to disable it so that the bms of the battery (Pytes 16-cells) takes the cells to maximum voltage.
(I found the register for the max charge voltage already but the switch seems to be non-existant)


What speaks against the use of this register … why don’t you just write the voltage in the register … then you would be even more flexible to protect the battery …

Yes - thats the plan - the voltage will be written to the register.
But every second month I want to disable that for e.g. a week to get the cells to maximum.

Otherwise I would have to set the voltage to e.g. 58v - but thats my second choice.
Would be better to just disable the whole setting.

In my opinion, however, you can no longer deactivate the DVCC from a certain FW and battery selection.
It may be possible in ESS mode 3.
I would always leave DVCC activated and simply regulate the voltage via the register.

Uh - i just saw that the register 305 in com.victronenergy.battery is the wrong one - it’s just a readout of the bms.

What do you mean with “regulate the voltage via the gears”?

forget it … bad translation :wink:

com.victronenergy.settings Limit managed battery voltage Register 2710

Yeah thats the correct one - thanks
I will use it with my “second choice”

When “0” is written to that Register the option disables automatically
PERFECT ! Thats what I wanted to have.
Automation done :slight_smile:

Pytes batteries have a high-quality BMS and in my experience I don’t have to tinker with limiting charge voltage to prevent cell voltage overshoots like most of the “budget” batteries on the market. The cells stay nicely balanced without fully charging for several months at a time AND they seem to have accurate shunts that don’t cause significant drift from Victron battery monitors. Even the battery monitors inside Multis/Quattros track very closely with the Pytes SoC.

I’m curious, what issue are you trying to solve or prevent by limiting the charge voltage to 55.6? Now that I’m comfortable with the Pytes BMS, I just let the batteries tell DVCC what they want and don’t feel like I need to second-guess them like so many other batteries on the market.

After several iterations of firmware both the E-Box and V5° batteries are truly set-n-forget with Victron and two other brands of inverters we sometimes use.

Just wanted to share my experience with Pytes in case anyone unearths this thread in the future :slight_smile:

Yeah you are perfectly right - thats my impression as well.
The BMS is very good - in my opinion a little bit too strict, as it starts to reduce charging-current already at 80% (newest firmware from July 2024)

It’s just that I dont want to let them go to 3,65v per cell
I’m going slightly below that to extend battery-life.
Balancing starts long before so that’s fine.
Nevertheless - a few times a year the BMS gets full control to go to maximum voltage.


On the one hand you say the BMS is a little too strict but then you want to limit charge voltage :slight_smile: The ramp down the current going into the battery (charging) specifically to extend the life of the battery. Pytes also reduces the voltage (CVL in DVCC) and they don’t hold batteries at 3.65V, even if plugged in to mains power all the time.

So, that’s why I think with these batteries you can just connect and forget. But, it doesn’t hurt to be extra cautious.

Have a great day!

Sorry for a little bit off-topic, but as you all have experience with Pytes, could you please tell me if the Pytes BMS is communicating the min and max cell voltages? Battery → Details → Lowest / Highest cell voltage?
And what about cell temperatures? Battery → Details → Minimum / Maximum cell temperature?
Thanks a lot in advance!

Yes - min and max cell voltage is reported, as well as min and max temperature.


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For sure the BMS doesn’t keep the cells at maximum voltage…

“But, it doesn’t hurt to be extra cautious.”
→ That’s the point!
In Summertime battery is at 100% most of the time, which is not necessary at all…

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Thank you very much!
I’ve asked you because on their Victron - Pytes instruction manual, there is no such information show. No “Details” section on the battery page.
Maybe this appeared on the newer firmware versions from Pytes?..
Anyway, thanks again!

Yes! seems as it was added later on…
The following is shown in (gui v2) Device list → Pytes Battery → Details:

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