Does resetting the bms erase all the factory pre programmed parameters?

On the old forum some of you may remember me posting a thread about my battery having gone into what i thought was a deep s o d, what i later found out after removing the cover was that a slug had found its way onto the bms and its slimey wet body shorted out components and fried the board. But before i took the cover off, i tried to revive the battery by pressing the pin hole reset button on the bms. Upon doing this the rgb led lights flashed yellow. Yellow is not part of the rgb soc colour indication on these batteries, so im guessing yellow was an acknowledgement indication that the battery it now reset.
I have since managed to repair the bms, replacing the monitor chip and transistors and resistors, i even found a shorted smd capacitor. The bms now works again, but im not sure if it knows the soc of the battery.
Being i pressed the reset, could the parameters from the factory now be erased and the nattery may over chage?
Due to no sun today, ive only managed to get 30% soc into it, but how acurate would that soc now be after a reset?
Or does the reset only erase the battery history in most cases?