Combine Phoenix inverter control and load disconnect from BMS

Hi everyone,

I am using a smallBMS together with two 330Ah batteries and I want to connect a Phoenix inverter smart 12/3000. According to the manual of the BMS the load disconnect from the BMS needs to be connected to the terminal H of the inverter. So far so good. But how can I combine this with a Phoenix inverter control that would connect to the same terminal H (and the one next to it)? My goal is to be able to manually switch the inverter on and off, but so that it only switches on if the BMS allows. Do I just need to pass the load disconnect through the inverter control, like I would do with a standard switch or does this mess with the polarity the inverter expects at the remote terminal?

Thanks for your advice,

No one knows?

As far as I know the inverter control is also just a switch.

From the BMS to L of the inverter control and from H to H.
That should work but I think you will lose the function of the LED.

You also could use the BMS signal to switch a small relay and with the relay you switch the L or H wire.

Thanks, that’s the solution I hoped for. Works great so far, even the LED is still working as expected.