Unable to get inverter details and generator details to register.
Cerbo GX and multiplus ii 24/3000/50
Unable to get inverter details and generator details to register.
Cerbo GX and multiplus ii 24/3000/50
What hardware are you using ? more details can make it a lot easier
Multiplus ii, Cerbo gx, lynx 1000, MPPT 150/30, MPPT 250/60.
I had upgraded to a multiplus ii 48/5000/50 but that unit failed to function, so reverted. All used to communicate but won’t now.
Hi there,
Just out of interest did you ever get an answer to your problem because I have the same issue now? Thanks
No answer. I did however reset everything and reconfigured I do all again. Back up and running.
Haven’t sorted the 5KW unit though. Life has been getting in the way.
Thanks for asking.